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Services: Service

The Best Service


House Hunting, assistance to find  the ideal property

  • 賃貸、売買物件の紹介(事業用物件を含む

  • ご入居後契約後6ヶ月のオンラインアフターフォロー

  • Property search  for rent or purchase (including commercial properties)

  • Online follow-up for 6 months after contract 


Service for Spain Real Estate Investment Visa (Golden Visa)

  • 物件購入や投資の手続きからビザの申請まで全てをサポート

  • 契約後6ヶ月のオンラインアフターフォロー

  • Full support from property purchase or investment procedures to visa applications

  • Online follow-up for 6 months after contract



Assist with destination services upon arrival and suburb orientations visiting facilities that need to know

  • 携帯電話やインターネットのセットアップの手配

  • ハイヤー(運転手付き)やレンタルカーの手配

  • 翻訳、通訳の手配 (内容は別途見積りが必要)

  • 家政婦派遣の手配

  • 短期アパートホテルの手配

  • 運転代行サービスの手配

  • その他サービスの手配

  • Arrangement to set up internet and for a phone contract

  • Arrangement for hire(with driver) or rental car

  • Arrangement of translation, interpreters  *(arrangement only. Translation, interpretation requires a separate quotation)

  • Dispatch of a domestic worker

  • Booking for a short-term apartment hotel

  • Booking chofer service

  • Other assitance service

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