当社はすべてのお客様にスペインへの移住を成功するよう協力致します。お客様のニーズに合わせた不動産コンサルティングサービスを提供しております。 スペインでのマンション、一軒家、飲食店向けの物件探しをお手伝いさせてください。当社はマドリード、バルセロナ、マラガ等の主な都市を知り尽くしているからこそ、お客様にご満足いただける提案が可能です。
新しい国への移住は多くの困難な状況が伴います。さらに、言語の壁はより複雑にいたします。 私たちは顧客のニーズを十分に理解しており、日本語、英語、スペイン語でパーソナライズサービスを提供することが可能です。
We deeply care about our customers and want them to have a good experience with their new life in Spain. This is the reason, we provide this type of consulting and relocation services that reach the client’s specific needs. If you are looking for an apartment, house or property for a restaurant in Spain, let us help you. We can provide a service that you will feel satisfied with since we know well most of the major cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, etc....
We provide professional consulting and complete relocation services in Spain for companies and their employees, university students, and individual clients from all over the world and especially from Japan.
Moving to a new country involves many difficult situations and is more complicated when you cannot communicate in your language. We have a great understanding of clients' needs and we can assist them in Japanese, English, and Spanish with personalized service making them feel totally “at home” and helping to settle.